[ITCENTER] siebel 7 problem ada yang tau gak... ?


gak bisa login nih... asal login keluar pop up nya ini :

"Your version of the Siebel High Interactivity Framework for IE, required
for use of this Siebel application, may not be current. In order to
download a current version of the Siebel High Interactivity Framwork, please
ensure that your browser security settings are correct and then log in to
the application again. Consult your system administrator for details about
the Siebel High Interactivity Framework and correct browser settings."

dan ketika di tekan OK... balik lagi ke menu login...
ada yang pernah menjumpai dan pernah menyelesaikan ???


Salman Kalista
Mathematics FMIPA - USU

YM : salman.kalista

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